Sorry it has taken me so long to update the blog but we've been a little busy. :) On December 18th Matt & I went to Baptist East for our scheduled induction. Dr. Waller told us to get there at 5:30am but of course we were there early at around 5:00am. When we got there they put me in a labor and delivery room that was VERY nice and started my IV and everything. The IV actually wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. When they hooked me up to the monitors I was already having some mild contractions onmy own. Dr. Waller came in around 7:00 or so and broke my water and they started the pitocin. I started having some contractions and some were pretty strong. Once I reached 4 cm I got the epidural which was fabulous!! About an hour after I got the epidural I was dilated to 6 cm and 30 minutes later I was already at 10 cm!!! We were all shocked to say the least...even the nurse who had to scramble to find a doctor. My doctor was in surgery so unfortunately he could not deliver Ally, but I had another very nice doctor deliver her. I started pushing a little before 11:00am and by 11:23am I had Ally!! It was the best feeling i've ever had when I saw her for the first time. Matt & I both cried because we were so excited to see our little girl. My mom and Matt's mom were also there for the birth and it really meant a lot to them that we allowed them to be part of this experience.
Ally was absolutely beautiful when we saw her. She had a head full of hair and some chubby cheeks! She was so alert when we held her. She looked up at us with big blue eyes and we fell in love with her the moment we saw her.
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